How we can help...
Centres/hubs/large grants
Some teams approach us when their ideas are at an early stage and would benefit from brainstorming and/or planning to make the writing stage more efficient. In those cases we facilitate a "thinking day" for the proposed team to agree the foci of the bid, who will do what and develop a clear plan of action/responsibilities. Please contact us for an informal chat to determine if this isĀ the optimal route for you.
Book a time for an informal (Zoom) chat hereOr if you're plans and ideas areĀ well developed and you're focused on increases the chances of being funded we have 3 types of help available: 1) Critical friend reviews for those who just need a fresh set of eyes with a highly experienced perspective of what's needed, 2) longer-term support for anyone fresh to large grants/having difficulty wrangling all the ideas into a compelling written proposal and 3) pre-interview coaching to maximise your performance as individuals and working together as a team:
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You can expect to hear from us approximately termly. Of course we will NEVER share your details with anyone & you can unsubscribe at any time!
Any of these services can be purchased as a standalone, but if after we've supported your written bid you ask us to also support your interview preparation you'll get a discount, because we already know the work well! If you know you definitely want BOTH written and discounted interview support, this is administratively easier if handled as one Purchase Order, paid directly by your university. Please ask us for a formal quote to arrange that.
Hi, I'm BECKY Steliaros, RiF's Principal Coach!
Here's an image of me "in action" leading an extended programme of support for fellowship applicants! I founded Research in Focus (RiF) in 2012 after a 12 year career with the UK Research Councils (during which time I also took a PG Certificate in coaching/leadership/change management & creativity, and an MBA Both were quite a contrast to my electrochemistry PhD!) and I'm on a mission to help researchers get funded!!!

I know how many good ideas don't get funded so I'm here to help if you want to increase your luck, if you're a bit stuck, or your Research Office aren't well sufficiently staffed/experienced to give you the sort of bespoke attention you need to increase your own luck (luck has very little to do with it!)...
When I'm not coaching academics you'll find me exploring with my camper van or at the blunt end of a loaded archery bow ;-)

Let us help you make your own luck...